Friday, March 5, 2010

Feeding for Kittens

(Note:  photo from Winona Area Humane Society)
The type and quantity of food varies greatly with the age of the kitten.  From 4 to 6 weeks, a kittien should eat moist food, after which it can be given a combination of mostly solid foods (fresh, tinned or diet).  One feed can also consist of a paste based on a special cat milk and baby kitten food.
At 8 weeks old, it should be on solid foods already.  The following months should be a gradual reduction i the number of feeds to two or three bigger meals per day.

An active outdoor kitten burns more calories than an indoor kitten so it willl need extra protein to help with body and muscle growth.  Food quantities for the outdoor kitten should be more compared to the indoor kitten.

feeding guide for kittens:

0 - 3 weeks:   requires a substitute for the mother's milk plus vitamin and mineral supplement
4 - 6 weeks :  1 teaspoon or slightly more moist kitten food mixed with baby milk subsitute, should be fed  4-5 times a day.

6 - 12 weeks:  2 - 3 large teaspoons of solid kitten food (tinned moist and semi-moist or dried), 4 - 5 times a day
3 - 6 months :   increased quantities of solid foods, decrease feeding from 5 to 2-3 times a day.