Saturday, February 13, 2010

Introducing A Kitten To Your Existing Pet Cat

This would depend on the nature of the existing adult pet cat that is already a member of your family.  It your pet cat is confident, non-aggressive and contented, then it will not find the presence of a new kitten as threatening.  But as the kitten develops into maturity, this may change.

The meeting between the kitten and the cat should be supervised calmly.  If everything is okay, the kitten may even curl up to the cat (as replacement for its litter mother) or the adult female cat may become maternal towards the kitten (replacement offspring).

An insecure and nervous adult cat will view the kitten as an intruder and a potential rival for attention from the loving owner and a competitor for food and territory.  This unfriendly adult cat should be exposed to the kitten slowly and carefully over a period of time with close supervision.