Friday, February 26, 2010

What is a cat run?

A cat run is an outdoor, free-standing structure or pen.  It provides a safe environment in which a cat or cats can enjoy the opportunity to explore and bask in the sunshine, fresh air and provides a peace of mind for us  cat lovers.
What are the benefits of a cat run?  A cat run offers security and protection for vulnerable cats, for expensive pedigree cats, for cats in high urban feline population, cats in areas with a high density of road traffic and cats in areas with a feral cat population.
Feral  cats often carry diseases such as cat flu, fleas and worms.  Some toms and feral cats can also be territorial and aggressive towards house cats.
A cat run ensures that cats are guarded against road traffic and aggression from other outside cats.

Note:  Photos from The Cattery and Shalyn Cattery